The Buzz

The Dark Side of the Honey Industry
Summary: Not all honey has the same nutritional value, quality, or freshness. Honey is thick and slow moving, which makes it hard to package raw. Many honey-packers heat honey to prevent crystalization (honey turning solid), and to package honey faster/easier....
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Pollinator Friendly Practices
Summary: Pollinators are responsible for more than 1/3 of our food supply. The same practices that help honey bees help native pollinators. Shallow birdbaths, native plants, and abstaining from pesticide use can greatly benefit pollinators. You can find Pollinator-Friendly Native...
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Why does honey crystallize?
Summary: Crystallization of honey is a natural process and the integrity of honey remains intact. The ratio of sugars within the honey determine how fast honey crystallizes. Honey crystallizes fastest in the temperature range of 50-60°F (10-15°C) Honey is full of...
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CBD: What's the Buzz?
Summary: The THC molecule works by binding to specific receptors throughout the body within the endocannabinoid system There is evidence that THC can reduce pain signaling, reduce inflammation, and treat PTSD. CBD is a psychoactive molecule that works peripherally through...
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All About Honeycomb
Summary: Honeycomb is the ORIGIN source of ALL honey; bottled honey is extracted out of Comb Honey. Comb Honey can be eaten any way you eat honey. You can spread it on crackers, cheese, and toast, or drop chunks in...
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